Secret Garden
It's no secret that Belle Isle has plants and flowers from one end to the other. Many people know about the new Oudolf Garden. Even more are familiar with the Conservatory. The island also features sculptures, which are hidden in plain site.
Since the start we have felt that the Belle Isle Art Fair is all about taking home the beauty of the island so that you can enjoy it all year long. That's why we have added our Secret Art Garden element. Between booth 127 and 131 you will find the not so secret entrance. Once there you can relax with our Adirondack chairs, see outdoor art in it's natural element and learn from many of the areas outdoor organizations.
Participating Organizations
Garden Gifts
Visit the garden and you pick up free seeds, plants and information. Lmited quantities so come early.
11:00am Timothy Jackson, Detroit Hives
Detroit: Bee City
1:00pm Willie Patmon
Urban Farming
3:00pm Indya Hunt
Urban Forestry
5:00pm Rachel Felder Detroit Parks & Recreation
Native Plantings in Detroit Parks
Noon April Campbell
Birding While Black in Detroit
2:00pm Tom Allenson Belle Isle Nature Center
Flowering Perennials at the
Belle Isle Nature Center
12:45PM until 2:45PM
Rachel Felder Detroit Parks and Recreation
5-10 years old.
Make your own mini zine to take home! Are you passionate about a specific subject and want to make a pocket guide to carry all of your cool facts around with you? During this zine making activity that is exactly what we’ll do! Color, write, and take it home with you when you’re finished!
11-16 years old.
Show off your artistic ability and knowledge on a specific subject by creating a mini zine. These zines can be about anything you’d like them to be. Take them with you when you’re done or leave them for others to grab and pick up one on a subject you may not know much about!